It's Teachers Day Once Again: So What?

December 14, 2010
Gingoog City
Teaching is said to be the noblest of all professions. At least it should be. Teachers, even if they are paid, have done a lot of sacrifice. Their lip service is only a perception by non-believers, those who do not have faith in the teaching profession.
We hear today of teachers inflicting corporal punishment to their pupils, collecting contributions from their pupils and parents, committing immoral acts against their stakeholders and against their marital partners. On that scene teachers are seen as opportunists, ready to spring on to their prey at the right moment.
Yet despite all these negative perceptions, teachers remain to be the most challenging of all jobs. The spoon fed pupils might a thing of the past but the role is basically the same-facilitating learning and effecting change for the better in the youth of the land.
Along this thought, I am extending my teachers' day greetings to my fellow teachers in the Philippines and around the world. May we continue to be the best of what we can be for the betterment of the service.