Worrying About Nothing

"S ince wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed ". But no, I am not going to agonize on this gargantuan topic. What I will be dealing now is how men worry too much about something that does not even remotely appear to be existent. Kumbaga, parang lahat ng posibilidad nailahad na at sa kalaunan ay parang naging totoo na. There was a story in my high school world literature book which tells a story on how the first war happened. Two tribes live on opposite sides of a big, wide river. The watchmen from each side closely observed each other's movements. One day, the chieftain of Tribe A ordered his warriors to whet their spears and bolos since these have become rusty out of lack of use. So the warriors of Tribe A went to the river so they could wash their weapons and be able to whet these on the rocky outcrops near the river bank. The flock of men alarmed the watchmen of Tribe B. One of them reported to...